
CRUX/Coreboot related webpage


My name is Daniel, I’m a pharmacist and an open source enthusiast.

Areas of interest

. simple, minimal and usable software;

. open source bios replacement Coreboot;

. old hardware and its resurrection for today’s use.



Download d77void

I had been interested in developing “my own” Linux operating system for some time and so I decided to take a solid system like Void to make my respin with an easy to use window manager like Fluxbox with my usual suite of apps (abiword, gnumeric, scribus, zathura, nextcloud, cmus, mpv, github-client, firefox, geary).

Initially the idea was to have my own system ready to install on the computers that pass through my hands for testing.

After I had it ready however I thought: why not make it available on SourceForge? The first iso I launched was Fluxbox, followed by Openbox and dwm (all X11 WM); later I added Sway, Labwc and Hyprland (all Wayland WM).

Latest iso link here

Download d77void

If you test or use it, be sure to make your suggestions or repairs; I’d love to hear what you have to say and I´ve created a Discord server to answer your doubts and sugestions/needs.



Hybrid X11/Wayland iso of Qtile available; it is Beta, with already lots of work and config done, but still not a finished product.

CRUX ports

After a few years in Arch, decided was time to try new things as daily driver;

Tried NixOS, OpenSUSE, Gentoo…for one thing or another, all of them failed to convince me. The nearest one, that I still have installed in one of my machines, was Void.

The simplicity, frugality and sane config options of CRUX convinced me; it’s a hell to start, but once you get to know it, it is fantastic!

my CRUX ports repo is available here.


My d77crux ports repo is increasing in ports; since August I added like 15 or more ports, but having a system that already suits my needs in every aspect, will probably port less often from now on.



this will be my new coreboot bootsplash.


My BIOS roms are available here


After some research I added the iPXE build option to my roms; currently it is only tested on the X230 and T430 Thinkpads.



. Suckless

. StaLi


. Void

. Venom

. Kwort


. Coreboot

. Libreboot

. Heads

. Dasharo

. iPXE